Welcome to The EDGE Community News

Welcome to The EDGE Community News

Welcome to The EDGE Community News

Welcome to The EDGE Community News


The EDGE Community Newspaper

Sedgefield and its surrounding Garden Route communities are a growing market, with many residents enjoying a good quality of life, enriched by a healthy environment, good amenities and friendly locals. Their main focus is the best for their families and friends.

The EDGE reflects these positive attributes.

We are also aware that there are many in the community who need upliftment and assistance. Part of our task as their newspaper is to be their voice. Highlighting their plight, championing their causes and connecting them with those who may be able to assist is a large part of what we are all about.

Local news content is key to our success. We pride ourselves on the depth, quality and accuracy of our stories.

The EDGE is proud to have its roots in the community it serves, with each edition packed with names and faces of local people.

Many contributors – from societies, schools and organisations – submit content on a regular basis. They feel part of the paper and we are delighted to have them on board.  Our newspaper is rich in content and passionate about celebrating local life – with a touch of quirky humour that goes with it.. It is written and put together at our offices in the heart of the community. Our experienced team knows what makes the Garden Route tick because we all live and breathe this wonderful area.

The newspaper focuses on issues, people and places, and we are pleased our readers do not see it as pick-me-up, five-minute read, but rather something they enjoy at their leisure and return to during the course of the week.

We are not complacent and we strive to improve further.   With the community’s support, we have proven over the last 18 years that there is a need  for a local newspaper.  Our aim is to continue to make The EDGE something that the community is proud of.

Distribution 5 500 copies.

Sedgefield, Wilderness, George, Knysna.


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COUNCIL VOTES TO REMOVE MAYOR TSENGWAAt a Special Council Meeting held today (14 February 2025), a motion brought by Cllr Neil Louw (EFF) and seconded by Cllr Mark Willemse (KIM) resulted in the removal of Cllr Aubrey Tsengwa as Executive Mayor of Knysna by majority vote.In his departure, Tsengwa expressed gratitude to the Council for the opportunity to serve the people of Greater Knysna. He also stated that he looks forward to spending more time in his ward as Ward 8 Councillor.Deputy Executive Mayor Alberto Marbi will serve as Acting Executive Mayor until the Council elects a new Mayor.#inclusive #innovative #inspiredThe Greater Knysna Business Chamber Sedgefield Ratepayers & Residents Association Visit Knysna Sedgefield Information The EDGE Community Newspaper Knysna 97.0 FM & MC 90.3 FM Plettenberg Bay Garden Route District Municipality Western Cape Government ... See MoreSee Less
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REMINDER:ESKOM PLANNED INTERRUPTION IN ELECTRICITY SUPPLY TO SEDGEFIELD 📢There will be an interruption in the electricity to Sedgefield on Wednesday, 12 February 2025, from 09:00 to 16:00.🗓⏱Treat all electrical equipment and supply points as LIVE, as power may be restored at any time before the scheduled period ends.🔌We apologise for the inconvenience caused.For more information, contact ESKOM directly at 0860 037 566.📞#inclusive #innovative #inspired Levael Davis Councillor Cleone Vanston The Greater Knysna Business Chamber Sedgefield Ratepayers & Residents Association Sedgefield Information The EDGE Community Newspaper ... See MoreSee Less
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