Friday 22 July. An horrific fire has gutted numerous homes in the Beverly Hills neighbourhood of Smutsville, Sedgefield. Though fire crews from Knysna and Eden fire departments joined the Sedgefield firefighters, by about 2.00 pm the blaze was not out, though it looked to be under control.
The cause is not yet known, but it is believed that the fire began between 11 and 12, and with a strong wind blowing it was minutes before flames were spread to several ‘informal’ homes. Whilst the firefighters and municipal workers desperately tried to douse the blaze and minimise the damage, members of the community did their best to move the contents of the homes to safety. The pavements and roads were piled high with furniture, clothes and other personal belongings.
13 Homes were destroyed, affecting 22 families, and heartbreaking scenes unfolded as some owners and their children arrived home to find all of their worldly goods destroyed.
According to Christopher Bezuidenhoudt of Knysna Municipality Communications, the families will be temporarily housed in the Smutsville Community Hall, and have been supplied blankets & food parcels. Human Settlements will take over on Monday in terms of the supply of new building material.
Should anyone wish to assist please contact the Sedgefield Fire department at 044349 2900.