Efforts towards stabilising the storm-damaged Myoli dune by a group of seven property owners called the ‘Myoli Beach Residents Association’ are raising serious and very heated debate between parties concerned, with both Knysna Municipality and SANParks locking horns with the Association members.
SANParks – responsible for the beach area right up to the high water mark, has raised opposition to the work being done, as they believe that not all options have been looked at to stabilise the dune, and that alternatives that are ‘softer’ on the environment would far better serve the purpose.
Sedgefield Ratepayers Association has also weighed in, stating in a letter to the media that
“We have no prior knowledge of this work, which has apparently been started by residents of this area and we have certainly never approved what is being done.” (see full letter on Letters Page)
Meanwhile the Knysna Municipality has issued an injunction for the Myoli Association’s team to stop work on the dune due to the lack of an OSCAE Permit, but the Association has continued with the task, citing that the Section 30A directive from the Department of Environmental Affairs, which permits them to commence immediate construction of the gabion stabilising structures, is from a higher authority, and thus overrides the Municipality’s call to halt.
With all parties seeking legal advice it seems evident that this matter may only be solved in court.
(See page one and three under ‘latest edition’ for the continuation of this story)