Yes – it’s official – Sedgefield’s favourite (we like to think) Community Newspaper has come of age!

We have included a brief bit of the newspaper’s history on the centre pages of this edition, but would like to take this front page opportunity to publicly thank the many, many wonderful people who have been involved in keeping us afloat for so many years.

From the businesses who have advertised (three have been with us since day one!) to the many wonderful volunteer writers who tirelessly submit their articles, often to be told at the last minute that there’s suddenly no space available, to the photographers (you want a picture of WHAT?) to the readers from Sedgefield, Greater Knysna and beyond! Even the crotchety old-timer who used to pop in and point out our spelling mistakes has played a huge part in making The EDGE what it is today (we have a proofreader now!)
And, whilst we are gushing in appreciation, the extra-efficient crew of printers at DCU is also more than worthy of a nod of great gratitude for their patience and ever-helpful manner.

Lastly, but by no means least, the clueless couple who are supposed to be running The EDGE would like to thank our AMAZING team, who have all stuck by us through thick (we had a company Christmas dinner once) and thin (our 500th edition was celebrated with a packet of lemon cremes).

We are truly blessed to have you on our side.